Category Archives: Blog

Wrist Arthroplasty | Wrist Joint Replacement Surgery

Wrist Arthroplasty | Wrist Joint Replacement Surgery

Wrist Arthroplasty in the wrist is very less common than knee or hip replacement but can be an option if you have painful arthritis that does not respond to other treatments. In wrist arthroplasty, the damaged parts of the wrist bones are removed and replaced with orthopedic implants. Wrist replacement surgery may help retain or […]

Tips For Faster Recovery From A Orthopedic Surgery

Tips For Faster Recovery From A Orthopedic Surgery

Recovery from orthopedic surgery can take a lot of time, but there are some tips you can follow up to make the process go as quickly as possible. Here are some of the basic but effective tips for recovering quickly from an orthopedic surgery: 1)  Strictly Follow Post-Operation Instructions Immediately after the surgery, you will […]

4 Ways to Manage Pain After Hip Replacement Surgery In Effective Manner

4 Ways to Manage Pain After Hip Replacement Surgery In Effective Manner

1) Take Your Medication Regularly It’s important to take your medication regularly in the days and first week that follow surgery. If you lower your dose without consulting your physician, you may notice spikes of pain at night, have trouble sleeping, and actually roadblock your own ability to complete the necessary steps in your recovery. […]

An Overview of Orthopedic Surgery

An Overview of Orthopedic Surgery

Orthopedic surgery is the medical specialty that performs treatment of the musculoskeletal system. Mainly it includes the bones, joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments in your body. Orthopedic surgeon performs a variety of surgical and non-surgical treatments to address the problems of the musculoskeletal system, so the reason you might be referred to one is likely […]

Knee Arthroscopy Surgery | Common Causes and Benefits

Knee Arthroscopy Surgery | Common Causes and Benefits

As one of the most complex weight-bearing joints, the knee can be particularly be susceptible to the injuries and deterioration in the form of osteoarthritis. If you are one of the millions of who are suffering from immense pain due to an orthopaedic injury or degenerative condition like arthritis, chances are you have had to […]

ACL Tears Signs And Symptoms, What you need to know?

ACL Tears Signs And Symptoms, What you need to know?

The ACL i.e. Anterior Cruciate Ligament, is one of four major knee ligaments that provides stability to the knee. Most of the people who have injured their ACL often complain that they feel like their knee is “giving out”. Therefore, many patients who sustain an ACL tear tend to have surgical treatment for this injury. […]

Types of Arthroscopic Surgeries

Types of Arthroscopic Surgeries

An arthroscope is basically an endoscope which is inserted into vital bone joints in a patient’s body for examination and/ or treatment of that particular region. Hence arthroscopic surgery is nothing but a minimally invasive surgical procedure, performed with an endoscope, on any bone joint to examine or treat the damage. There are only two […]