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How To Choose The Right Knee Replacement Implants For Yourself

How To Choose The Right Knee Replacement Implants For Yourself

Osteoarthritis of the knee is an ailment that effects the knee joint. This is also known as wear & tear arthritis because in this condition, the cartilage of the knee which cushions and lubricates the joints wears off reducing the joints ability to move and causing immense pain with swelling in the knee. Patients suffering from severe knee arthritis are sometimes recommended to go for a knee replacement surgery

However, there are several considerations involved in surgical treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee. Not only are there multiple methods of surgery that your doctor may recommend but there are many different varieties of implants that may be used to replace the knee joint. Orthopedic supply companies now-a-days advertise directly to patients presenting various products like ‘gender specific implants’ or ‘rotating knee implants’. Even with so much information available online it is very difficult for patients to decide on a reliable source of information that can help them decide which implant will suit them the best. The best way to decide is of course, with the help of your orthopedic surgeon who has the medical expertise and judgement to choose the right implant for you.

However, Here are a few simple facts that patients may consider when discussing knee replacement implants with their doctor:

1) Know the purpose of the implant

The ideal knee replacement is one that will allow your joint and bones to function normally. This will enable you to go back to normal activities like walking and climbing stairs – and it should last throughout your lifetime. Even if a patient is presented with options of implants that claim to be technologically advanced or better received worldwide – the question to ask is that will the implant restore normal functioning for a lifetime?

Ask for track records

In order to understand the effectiveness of a knee replacement implant, the manufacturing companies and orthopedic surgeons often have access to research reports that contain track records. In other words, when an implant is used to replace a knee joint and the patient returns to normal activities – their results are tracked for at least a few decades to determine the success rate of the implant.

For newly developed implants this data will be rare and will do little to prove their longevity. But for implants developed a decade ago or more – a patient may judge the success rate for the implant on the basis of these track records.

Surgeon Recommendation

Usually, the surgeon who is responsible for the knee replacement is the best person to judge the condition of the knee joint and decide on the best kind of implant that will work for the patient. Their experience and judgement is best suited for this kind of decision and they would be able to explain why they believe a particular kind of implant works better than the other. If you do independent research online and find an implant that you feel is better than the one recommended by the surgeon, feel free to ask your surgeon to compare both the implants based on their experience for more in depth information.


Finally, when going for a knee replacement surgery – here are the top three points to keep in mind before you choose an implant for yourself:

Uteshiya Medicare is the leading name in manufacture and supply for orthopedic implants in India. Across the country doctors trust the Uteshiya name to fulfill their needs for high quality surgical implants in orthopedics. At Uteshiya we hold orthopedic research at paramount importance and continuously strive to improve our products for the benefit of patients.

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