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Not all bone tumors are cancerous

What is a bone tumor?
When the normal healthy cells of a bone grow and divide in an uncontrollable manner it leads to the formation of a mass which is known as a bone tumor. These tumors can either be benign or malignant.

Are all the bone tumors are cancerous?

Which types of bone tumors are noncancerous ?
The tumors which have their origin in the bone but do not spread to other organs or tissues are known as benign tumors. These types of tumors are noncancerous and can be easily removed by surgery.
Various types of benign bone tumors include:

Which types of bone tumors are cancerous?
The tumors which have their origin in the bone and spread throughout the body are known as malignant tumors. These types of tumors are cancerous and can be treated with a combination of chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery.
Various types of malignant tumors

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